Adobe Photoshop Tutorials
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VEry stylish 3D text
Create a cool 3D text Effect like these:
Step 1
Create a blank document of the desired size.
Type your text in black on a white background.
I used a pixel font (thus the cool X) but you can use any font you want.
Step 2
You have to apply a bunch of layer styles (right click text layer and choose blending options):
Drop Shadow:
Outer Glow:
Inner Glow:
Gradient Overlay:
You might to change some of the values to achieve a different outcome of the 3D text.
The text will look something like this now:
Right click the text layer and choose Rasterize.
Step 3
Hit CTRL-T and choose Warp or Perspective and distort the text any way you want.
I used Warp and came up with this:
Step 4
Alright, now hold down ALT and start pressing left and down repeatedly until you are satisfied with the 3D effect:
Step 5
Click Image --> Flatten Image.
If you want to colorize your image hit CTRL-U and pick a nice color like this:
Step 6
If you want the fiery color for you 3D Text do this:
Go to Image --> Mode --> Grayscale
then Image -->Mode --> Indexed Colors
and finally Image -->Mode --> Color Table and choose Black Body
There you go. your 3D text: