Adobe Photoshop Tutorials

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop

Flashy Grungy Green Text

In this tutorial you will learn how to create this pretty cool text effect:

Step 1

Create a blank document, size depends on the size of your text, I made it 300*300px.

Black background. White foreground.

Type your text.

Step 2

Duplicate your text layer.

Use Filter --> Distort --> Polar Coordinates..

Select Polar to Rectangular.

That's about what you should get:


Step 3

Turn the cancas by 90° clockwise (Image --> Rotate Canvas --> 90° CW)

Step 4

Now you are going to apply the wind filter

Filter --> Stylize --> Wind..

Use it once from the right and once from the left .

Turn the cancas by 90° UNclockwise (Image --> Rotate Canvas --> 90° UCW) and use wind again, once from the left and once from the right:


Step 5

Use Polar Coordinates again.

Rectangular to Polar.

That's what it should look like:

Step 6

Go to Filter --> Artistic --> Cutout and apply the values shown below or change them up a bit until you get what you want.

Step 7

Now all that's left to do is hitting CTRL-U to bring up the Hue/Saturation window and choose a color. The settings shown below will get you that nice flashy green.
